It is so easy to start a blog nowadays , just sign up for an account and you are off to blog about anything your heart desires. Whether you want to air grievances or looking to generate some passive income online. Nothing like doing so with your own personal blog with your own personal URL ,like your very own online identity and address.
A blog can be a very useful tool to have whether it is to stay in communication within a community or you have skill or expertise to share on any topic.
And of course like many, you use blogs to generate income,directly with or indirectly. Many bloggers can actually make a good income by selling your specific skill on building blogs and optimizing it for traffic.
There are many businesses who will pay handsomely to someone with the expertise and know how to build blogs for them and optimize it to be ranked higher in search engines giving the businesses an edge .
Blogs are not as complicated as websites to build but may be just as interesting and effective. Best thing is these Skills can be learnt by practice from scratch and a lot of patient researching, A step at a time. !st learning to build a simple blog,then acquire the more advanced blogging skills as you progress.!
The steps following are mainly on how you can learn to generate residue income from blogs.
1st step . Build a simple blog site with a internet address or URL.
To Start a from the links below and register a free blog..either free hosting or paid hosting..
(Google blogspot would be a more user friendly choice for newbies . And now with the latest improved features on the design of blogs , you can custom design your blog to your hearts desire) hosting with a paid version Google (free hosting) Free or paid hostings
There are dozens of blogging sites you can join but these are the best bet to monetize your personal blogs and earn residue..
To generate money ,needless to say, you need traffic , people visiting your website or blog..
Main thing is not to fall under the impression that soon as you have a site set up , the revenue start coming in..
Its takes a lot of patience and effort to build Traffic..and some savvy marketing..
Once your blog or blogs are set up , you are good to go to earn revenue from it..
Depending on the hosting site , some will allow you to immediately generate a revenue earning code,or you may be required to do a certain amount of postings on your blogs ...
What to post in your blog?
Click here to Read this article if you need ideas on what subject you want to blog about.
What to post in your blog?
Click here to Read this article if you need ideas on what subject you want to blog about.