How To Start a Blog ! Then Optimize it for Traffic,Performance and Search Engine rankings!
Blogging can be a lot of fun. Especially in the designing of your own blog in any pattern or color and blog about basically anything. Following are are some basic Tips on how to set up a free or paid blog, and methods used to generate residue income from blogging! Suggestions and Links to optimize your blog's traffic and step by step guide on maximizing your Blog's potential to gain exposure or to generate residue revenue!!
DIY SEO,bloody easy!!
SEO for dummies.
Search Engine Rankings . How well your online venture is
doing has a lot to do with these 3 simple words.
If you have optimized
your web pages to get higher search engine rankings. It essentially means that
you may stand a better chance to attract
targeted customers to your site and obviously gain some who may likely make
Therefore, the higher your page comes up in search engine rankings,
the better are the chances of being discovered by targeted traffic directed to
your website.
A very simple reason why search engine optimization is so
important for any site’s exposure. It is estimated that approximately 85% of online
traffic searching for goods and services on the Internet uses the main search
engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
To many people ,optimizing websites seems very complicated if they are not familiar with how it is done, but
whether but it is a crucial step that is
highly necessary if they want to have better odds online in gaining traffic to
their blog or web site that can be translated to business.
To ensure a better chance of succeeding is to have sites,
search engine optimized
One can either invest
some time or spend some money to study and get familiar with the technical
aspects of search engine optimization of web pages available online. How to rank higher on search engines. Or just
do few adjustments to your existing web pages, and, you never know, you may be
surprised at the outcome.
For instance, try
starting by examining the title bar on your homepage. It is the colored bar at the top of the page.
Every time you access your homepage, note the words that
appear. In order to have a higher ranking on search engines, keywords and
phrases are important. So be sure that the words on your home page’s title bar
include the most important keywords or phrases, including among them, your
company name.
You ought to click
all your links and examine the title bars on the pages that have been
accessed. The most important keywords and phrases must
be included in every single page of your site on each Title bar.
Not recommended to use long strings of keywords, ideally six
words and less. Also, use keywords not more than once in the title bars, and
check to be sure that identical words are not side by side...
Try to figure out what are the more preferred words that
potential customers will use to type into search engines, searching for sites
with similar content like yours.
It is very important
to figure out the all important keywords that may be used and ensure that the
text on the site’s pages include them. It will give better odds of traffic
being directed to find your site.
If possible the optimum amount of
words to have on each page can be about 200 to 250 but if this is not practical
for some reason, then determine the most appropriate 100 carefully chosen
To have a higher ranking on the search engine, the text is the key to it...
It is important that the text can be read by the search engines.
The format should not be in graphic but HTML text. To determine whether your
text is in HTML format, use the cursor to try
highlighting a word
or two. If it can be done, it shows that it is HTML .But if the text doesn’t highlight,
it is probably in graphic format, in which case then you will need to get a
webmaster to have the text converted to HTML format for the purpose of
increasing your search engine rankings.
And then there are the Meta tags. Sounds very technical, the term Meta tag.
Actually it is just a code.
Many are sure that
meta tags have a large part in determining a high search engine
ranking, yet the truth is that they just have a limited
effect, nonetheless, it is still worthwhile to add them just in case the search
engines uses meta tags in their ranking process.
You will need to access s the code in order to determine if
your site has Meta tags
To do this, right
click your mouse and a box will pop up. Then click “view page source”.
It will show a window that displays the underlying code which
created the page. Meta tags, if any, usually appear near the top of the window.
It usually looks like:
Meta name=”keywords” content=.
If unable to see a code like so, you may need to ask a
webmaster to insert the meat tags in.
Meta tags may or may
not do much to boost rankings but you do need all the help you can get.
Finally the issue of how popular the website’s link is.?
Another extremely crucial factor on search engine ranking .
Mainly, all search engines rank websites according to link popularity.
This in turn is relevant to the quality of the site that is linked to, from the
links page.
One can try to check
on their sites using a Google search and typing
“Free link popularity
check”. Another one is “free website link checker”
. You will be directed to sites where when you type in your
site’s URL, you can find out what sites are linked to yours .Do a comparison if
you have competitors. Type in their URLs to see the sites that they have linked
Now if a low count exist on the no. of sites linked to yours
or maybe the linked sites are ranked low on search engines. You may need to
think of doing a link popularity campaign.
What you may need to do is to get in touch with quality
sites and request for a link exchange with your site. But first, check out the rankings of the
websites you are considering linking with.
If unsure whether or how to contact
them you can always use a Google search to find sites that
Will inform you on what to do and
how to approach them.
Having links to quality popular sites can
,besides giving your rankings a boost ,may also
direct quality traffic to your
So many Internet marketing websites are successful because,
for a large part, it is due
to high search engine rankings
So if you have a online business, you need to seriously consider using the service of a search
engine optimization company.
But before that, try
a DIY approach and use some of the
simple steps listed just to find out if it may help to increase your site ranking.
Yup, this all important factor in Internet marketing, of using
SEO of websites, should not be brushed aside.
Needless to say that,
the higher your site is ranked in the search engines will translate into more
quality traffic directed to your site.
SEO for dummies
It is so easy to start a blog ,and a lot of fun too.Whether your intentions are to maybe just air your point of view and get things off your chest or are looking to maybe try to earn some passive income online. Or if anything just to find out if this works,SEO.see how high you can get your blog to be ranked.!
.SEO for dummies.
.SEO for dummies.
Search Engine Rankings . How well your online venture is
doing has a lot to do with these 3 simple words.
If you have optimized
your web pages to get higher search engine rankings. It essentially means that
you may stand a better chance to attract
targeted customers to your site and obviously gain some who may likely make
Therefore, the higher your page comes up in search engine rankings,
the better are the chances of being discovered by targeted traffic directed to
your website.
A very simple reason why search engine optimization is so
important for any site’s exposure. It is estimated that approximately 85% of online
traffic searching for goods and services on the Internet uses the main search
engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
To many people ,optimizing websites seems very complicated if they are not familiar with how it is done, but
whether but it is a crucial step that is
highly necessary if they want to have better odds online in gaining traffic to
their blog or web site that can be translated to business.
To ensure a better chance of succeeding is to have sites,
search engine optimized
One can either invest
some time or spend some money to study and get familiar with the technical
aspects of search engine optimization of web pages available online. How to rank higher on search engines. Or just
do few adjustments to your existing web pages, and, you never know, you may be
surprised at the outcome.
For instance, try
starting by examining the title bar on your homepage. It is the colored bar at the top of the page.
Every time you access your homepage, note the words that
appear. In order to have a higher ranking on search engines, keywords and
phrases are important. So be sure that the words on your home page’s title bar
include the most important keywords or phrases, including among them, your
company name.
You ought to click
all your links and examine the title bars on the pages that have been
accessed. The most important keywords and phrases must
be included in every single page of your site on each Title bar.
Not recommended to use long strings of keywords, ideally six
words and less. Also, use keywords not more than once in the title bars, and
check to be sure that identical words are not side by side...
Try to figure out what are the more preferred words that
potential customers will use to type into search engines, searching for sites
with similar content like yours.
It is very important
to figure out the all important keywords that may be used and ensure that the
text on the site’s pages include them. It will give better odds of traffic
being directed to find your site.
If possible the optimum amount of
words to have on each page can be about 200 to 250 but if this is not practical
for some reason, then determine the most appropriate 100 carefully chosen
To have a higher ranking on the search engine, the text is the key to it...
It is important that the text can be read by the search engines.
The format should not be in graphic but HTML text. To determine whether your
text is in HTML format, use the cursor to try
highlighting a word
or two. If it can be done, it shows that it is HTML .But if the text doesn’t highlight,
it is probably in graphic format, in which case then you will need to get a
webmaster to have the text converted to HTML format for the purpose of
increasing your search engine rankings.
And then there are the Meta tags. Sounds very technical, the term Meta tag.
Actually it is just a code.
Many are sure that
meta tags have a large part in determining a high search engine
ranking, yet the truth is that they just have a limited
effect, nonetheless, it is still worthwhile to add them just in case the search
engines uses meta tags in their ranking process.
You will need to access s the code in order to determine if
your site has Meta tags
To do this, right
click your mouse and a box will pop up. Then click “view page source”.
It will show a window that displays the underlying code which
created the page. Meta tags, if any, usually appear near the top of the window.
It usually looks like:
Meta name=”keywords” content=.
If unable to see a code like so, you may need to ask a
webmaster to insert the meat tags in.
Meta tags may or may
not do much to boost rankings but you do need all the help you can get.
Finally the issue of how popular the website’s link is.?
Another extremely crucial factor on search engine ranking .
Mainly, all search engines rank websites according to link popularity.
This in turn is relevant to the quality of the site that is linked to, from the
links page.
One can try to check
on their sites using a Google search and typing
“Free link popularity
check”. Another one is “free website link checker”
. You will be directed to sites where when you type in your
site’s URL, you can find out what sites are linked to yours .Do a comparison if
you have competitors. Type in their URLs to see the sites that they have linked
Now if a low count exist on the no. of sites linked to yours
or maybe the linked sites are ranked low on search engines. You may need to
think of doing a link popularity campaign.
What you may need to do is to get in touch with quality
sites and request for a link exchange with your site. But first, check out the rankings of the
websites you are considering linking with.
If unsure whether or how to contact
them you can always use a Google search to find sites that
Will inform you on what to do and
how to approach them.
Having links to quality popular sites can
,besides giving your rankings a boost ,may also
direct quality traffic to your
So many Internet marketing websites are successful because,
for a large part, it is due
to high search engine rankings
So if you have a online business, you need to seriously consider using the service of a search
engine optimization company.
But before that, try
a DIY approach and use some of the
simple steps listed just to find out if it may help to increase your site ranking.
Yup, this all important factor in Internet marketing, of using
SEO of websites, should not be brushed aside.
Needless to say that,
the higher your site is ranked in the search engines will translate into more
quality traffic directed to your site.
Freelance work at home jobs
Step 1, starting a Blog
It is so easy to start a blog nowadays , just sign up for an account and you are off to blog about anything your heart desires. Whether you want to air grievances or looking to generate some passive income online. Nothing like doing so with your own personal blog with your own personal URL ,like your very own online identity and address.
A blog can be a very useful tool to have whether it is to stay in communication within a community or you have skill or expertise to share on any topic.
And of course like many, you use blogs to generate income,directly with or indirectly. Many bloggers can actually make a good income by selling your specific skill on building blogs and optimizing it for traffic.
There are many businesses who will pay handsomely to someone with the expertise and know how to build blogs for them and optimize it to be ranked higher in search engines giving the businesses an edge .
Blogs are not as complicated as websites to build but may be just as interesting and effective. Best thing is these Skills can be learnt by practice from scratch and a lot of patient researching, A step at a time. !st learning to build a simple blog,then acquire the more advanced blogging skills as you progress.!
The steps following are mainly on how you can learn to generate residue income from blogs.
1st step . Build a simple blog site with a internet address or URL.
To Start a from the links below and register a free blog..either free hosting or paid hosting..
(Google blogspot would be a more user friendly choice for newbies . And now with the latest improved features on the design of blogs , you can custom design your blog to your hearts desire) hosting with a paid version Google (free hosting) Free or paid hostings
There are dozens of blogging sites you can join but these are the best bet to monetize your personal blogs and earn residue..
To generate money ,needless to say, you need traffic , people visiting your website or blog..
Main thing is not to fall under the impression that soon as you have a site set up , the revenue start coming in..
Its takes a lot of patience and effort to build Traffic..and some savvy marketing..
Once your blog or blogs are set up , you are good to go to earn revenue from it..
Depending on the hosting site , some will allow you to immediately generate a revenue earning code,or you may be required to do a certain amount of postings on your blogs ...
What to post in your blog?
Click here to Read this article if you need ideas on what subject you want to blog about.
What to post in your blog?
Click here to Read this article if you need ideas on what subject you want to blog about.
2..Monetizing your blogs,advertising revenue!
There are dozens of blogging sites you can join but these are the best bet to monetize your personal blogs and earn residue..
To generate money ,needless to say, you need traffic , people visiting your website or blog..
Main thing is not to fall under the impression that soon as you have a site set up , the revenue start coming in..
Its takes a lot of patience and effort to build Traffic..and some savvy marketing..
Once your blog or blogs are set up , you are good to go to earn revenue from it..
Depending on the hosting site , some will allow you to immediately generate a revenue earning code,or you may be required to do a certain amount of postings on your blogs ...
Below are links to sites (among dozens)that you can use to monetize your blogs..
1.Google adsense.. ( pays you per click on adds in your blogs)
2.Yahoo publisher..( pays per click as adsense)
3.neverblue..(pays per sale or action)
4.Monetize your Website or Blog with BidVertiser...pays per click from adds placed in your blog or website
5.Sponsored reviews.. Get paid per review to blogs
6.Comission junction. get .paid per action
7.Adengage..get paid per banner spot on your site adsense , get paid per click from adds in your blog
Using your blog to earn residue income from other sources
Traffic is the key to good earnings..The more readership your blog has ,the better are your chances of generating more income,simple maths of odds and ratios. Promote ,promote ,promote your articles ,get a share this book mark,that you can drag to your bookmark bar and use it to share your posts with as many sites as you can keep up with..mainly Facebook ,Twitter , Linked In and sign up for few more that the share tab displays and share your articles.3..Enable search engines to find your blogs. Site maps
There are free and paid methods to get your blog or websites listed in search engines.
A key element in generating Traffic organically to your site is to generate a sitemap and submit it to the major search engines !
You need a sitemap to help optimize search engine rankings..
No need to pay anyone anything to get your blog listed and applying few tips and tecnics may get your blog ranked higher with some of your own creative SEO skills...
1..Generate a sitemap (click here!) .. create a XML sitemap for search engines like Google or Yahoo and
other search engines to crawl your site...
Always remember to create a sitemap whenever you create a new blog or website.
And after submitting sitemap to the site, then also submit your blog or website's URL to the search engines!
step4.. Promoting your blog !
Community of Bloggers !
There are blogs about almost everything and as well as sites compiling all sorts of blog topics into a community of bloggers and blog titles!.Bloggers will find joining these communities useful in diverting traffic to their sites.
Visit the links and submit your blog to these sites. Start networking and make yourself known in the blogging community..Find others who are blogging about common topics as you.
Join what you are able to keep track off and can spare the time to service, or promote your blogs. Or promote your blog selectively,by joining all the sites but dividing your time and efforts equally and then track back to look at which sites generate higher traffic volume,and then focus on those sites!
Social Networking sites
Also join a few blog promoting sites. below.Submit some articles or topics on popular or controversial subjects as a member of theses sites,If well written,may just gain thousands of readers,a great way to divert interest back to your own site.
Have friends submit some of your posts with the sites and indirectly promote your site.,submitting URL links back to your blog. Most sites allow that!
submit your blog's link and exchange reviews by visiting each other's blogs.
or sister site, get credits from writing reviews of blogs you visit n increase traffic to your site, guaranteed visitors reviewing your blog
Also can earn residue income from referring members to sites above!
Bear in mind that all these sites help to increase your search rankings in search engines,your site's url links may appear faster and quicker if you have a substantial amount of submitted reviews or articles,so it does help to join these sites and write reviews or submit articles, can earn residue income from the postings and at same time optimize your site's link in the major search engines.Inadvertently creating backlinks from various other sources..which links back directly to your blog/blogs!
Associated Content
Constant content

All the articles submitted are monetized soon as they are published, no time limit to residue earnings which comes from click impressions on the the adds placed with your pubblished article.!
Please click link below and read this article below if considering joining article writing and submission sites!
Article writing Sites worth joining and sites not to bother with!
Read this article= Writing tips to earn online
Another option to promote your blog is to use safe list sites via email marketing,tell thousands of safe list site subscribers about your blog/blogs.. Among the many safe list sites ,i have found one to be effective in conversions (when the link to your sites is actually clicked on)
or sister site, get credits from writing reviews of blogs you visit n increase traffic to your site, guaranteed visitors reviewing your blog
Also can earn residue income from referring members to sites above!
Article submission sites
Sign up as a member and be a article contributor . Earn some residue income by contributing fresh articles or use article postings from your blog. What to write about is your own discretion. Promote your blog via the contributed articles with a brief description of your blog topics at the end of your article.
Stimulate curiousity with a sentence that prompts readers to follow link to your blog . Most article submission sites allow you to insert URL links back to your site.Good write ups may create enough interest or curiousity for readers to follow the links to your blog and read more.!
Constant content
All the articles submitted are monetized soon as they are published, no time limit to residue earnings which comes from click impressions on the the adds placed with your pubblished article.!
Please click link below and read this article below if considering joining article writing and submission sites!
Article writing Sites worth joining and sites not to bother with!
Read this article= Writing tips to earn online
Another option to promote your blog is to use safe list sites via email marketing,tell thousands of safe list site subscribers about your blog/blogs.. Among the many safe list sites ,i have found one to be effective in conversions (when the link to your sites is actually clicked on)
Or create banners like above , of your own design ,any size you desire, with free templates available to toy with , fun learning experience! Then use banner to describe your blog and promote the banner by submitting it for display at Traffic Exchanges or various other free advertising programs online!
Click banner to get a free account and start learning to create promotional graphics!
Created the banner below to promote my scuba diving site with pictures from my own computer.,and its free!
Banners are great promotional gadgets you can use at Traffic exchanges.
Freelancer site has Hundreds of writing jobs posted daily from all niches, demand for simple blog writing to highly skilled programming. just sign up for free and list your preferences for writing gigs and jobs matching your listings will be emailed to you daily. Completed tasks pays out from USD30 to USD1,000 or more depending on the assignment you applied for.Some writing assignments may take you weeks to complete after a mutual agreement on remuneration is reached. Lot of employers actually gives trial assignments just to be sure,the job can be done to their requirements.
Tracking and Statistics to your blog posts
Simple Steps To Improve Search Engine Rankings
At least 85% of people looking for goods and services on the Internet find websites through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
Optimizing your web pages for high search engine rankings is to attract targeted customers to your site who will be more than likely ready to make a purchase.
The higher your page comes up in search engine results, the greater the traffic that is directed to your website. That's why search engine optimization is crucial for your sites exposures.
But to optimize your site may seem very complicated if not well versed in the ways, but whether you like it or not, it is something that has to be done if you want any hope of getting people to know about your website or blog! To ensure your business is going to succeed online, your site has to be search engine optimized.
You can either invest time or money to study all the technical information available online to figure out how to optimize web pages to achieve higher rankings,or can start few simple items on your pages, make some small adjustments, and most likely see improved rankings quite rapidly.
!st thing to do is examine the title bar on your homepage. The title bar is the colored bar at the top of the page.
Look at the words that appear there when you access your home page. To increase search engine rankings, the words on your home page's title bar should include the most important keywords or phrases, one of which would include your company name.
Then click on all your links and examine the title bars on the pages you access. Each title bar on every single page of your site should contain the most important keywords and phrases taken from that particular page itself. However, avoid very long strings of keywords, keeping them to six words or less. Avoid repeating keywords more than once in the title bars, and make sure that identical words are not next to each other.
The next item to put under your microscope is your web site's content. Search engines generally list sites that contain quality content rather than scintillating graphics.
The text on your site must contain the most important keywords - the words that potential customers will be typing into search engines to find your site.
Aim to have around 250 words on each page, but if this is not desirable due to your design, aim for at least 100 carefully chosen words. If you want to achieve a high ranking on search engines, this text is essential.
However, don't forget the search engines must be able to read the text, meaning that the text must be in HTML and not graphic format.
To find out if your text is in HTML format, take your cursor and try to highlight a word or two. If you are able to do this, the text is HTML.
If the text will not highlight, it is probably in graphic format. In this case, ask your webmaster to change the text into HTML format in order to increase your search engine rankings.
Next we come to what is called meta tags. I know this sounds like something out of a science fiction book, but it is really just simple code.
Many people believe that meta tags are the key to high search engine rankings, but in reality, they only have a limited effect.
Still, it's worth adding them in the event that a search engine will use meta tags in their ranking formula.
To find out if your page is set up with meta tags, you must access the code. To do this, right click your mouse and a box will pop up. Click "view page source".
This will pull up a window revealing the underlying code that created the page. If there are meta tags, they usually appear near the top of the window.
For example,a meta tag would read: meta name="keywords" content=.
If you do not find code that reads like this, again ask your webmaster to put them in. This may not do much for your search engine rankings, but any little boost helps.
Lastly, we come to the issue of link popularity. This is a factor that is extremely important in terms of search engine rankings.
Almost all search engines use link popularity to rank your website. Link popularity is based on the quality of the sites you have linked to from your links page.
Do a Google search and type in "free link popularity check", or "free website link checker" and you will see free sites where you can type in your URL and that will show you what sites are linked to your site. You can even provide some competitors' URLs to compare your site to theirs.
In case there aren't many sites linked up to yours, or the sites that are linked up have low search engine rankings, consider launching a link popularity campaign.
Essentially what you do is contact quality sites and request that they exchange links with your site. Of course, you'll want to do your homework and check out the rankings of the websites you are interested in linking up with. If you're hesitant about contacting them you can do a Google search and find sites that tell you exactly what to say and how to approach them.
Linking to popular, quality sites not only boosts your search engine ranking, but it also directs more quality traffic to your website. Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing website.
Before you go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some of the simple steps listed above, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself.
Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher your search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed your way.
Having a blog and getting visitors
There can be various ways in order to get visitors or traffic to your bog site , but you have to decide what sort of visitors you want, because some ways of getting visitors as in traffic exchange systems will not actually benefit your blog because whilst it's generally free the visitors will come and go without doing anything.
The first thing you can do is to make sure that what ever postings you make, the postings targets relevant keywords. This is called SEO, actually a small part of SEO, and by doing this you will be making your blog more search engine friendly and raising your chances of getting more search engine traffic. If you want visitors to come and click on ads and links this is the best sort of traffic.
Secondly you can comment on other blogs and forums which write on similar topics. Usually you can put a link along with your name and you will pick up traffic from visitors who are already interested in what you write about because they are already reading someone else’s blog on the subject.
Thirdly you can also try writing unique articles and posting them on various article sites. The benefit of which is that you can put links back to your blog in them and so widening the net when coming to attract visitors.
The best way you can go about getting visitors is seeing if another popular blog within your niche will accept a guest post from you. This is proven to generate a lot of traffic and if they like what they find on your blog the chances are they will return.
What you do need to think about is that when someone does come to your blog they find quality, interesting content which will not only make them want to stay but also to return and recommend your blog to friends. If what you write about is boring, or too similar to what other sites offer then the chances are they won't hang around.
And finally generating visitors is something you just have to keep working at day after day and to have patience because things won't change over night. The good news is that there does come a point where your visitors will start generating other visitors for you by linking to your posts and then you can almost allow traffic to come naturally instead of chasing it.
The first thing you can do is to make sure that what ever postings you make, the postings targets relevant keywords. This is called SEO, actually a small part of SEO, and by doing this you will be making your blog more search engine friendly and raising your chances of getting more search engine traffic. If you want visitors to come and click on ads and links this is the best sort of traffic.
Secondly you can comment on other blogs and forums which write on similar topics. Usually you can put a link along with your name and you will pick up traffic from visitors who are already interested in what you write about because they are already reading someone else’s blog on the subject.
Thirdly you can also try writing unique articles and posting them on various article sites. The benefit of which is that you can put links back to your blog in them and so widening the net when coming to attract visitors.
The best way you can go about getting visitors is seeing if another popular blog within your niche will accept a guest post from you. This is proven to generate a lot of traffic and if they like what they find on your blog the chances are they will return.
What you do need to think about is that when someone does come to your blog they find quality, interesting content which will not only make them want to stay but also to return and recommend your blog to friends. If what you write about is boring, or too similar to what other sites offer then the chances are they won't hang around.
And finally generating visitors is something you just have to keep working at day after day and to have patience because things won't change over night. The good news is that there does come a point where your visitors will start generating other visitors for you by linking to your posts and then you can almost allow traffic to come naturally instead of chasing it.
Online marketing social networking and other advertising resources for your blog
Of course there are sites like MySpace, You tube, Facebook, even Twitter, terrific promotional tools for your blog if used correctly.
Yahoo Answers is another site , post a question or response and leave your sites link if posting relevant to question,or just make your own relevant question and leave link as follow up..
In a nutshell,the more sites you use,the more links you create back to your blog, over time,all the effort can add up and be effective in generating more Traffic to your sites.
Promoting or Advertising your site
Finally,there are also the free advertising sites like Traffic Exchanges, you either purchase advertising credits or surf the adds in the sites and gain add credits for free that way. Most Traffic Exchanges members marjority are online marketeers so if your blog posts are something non related to internet marketing,it may be a waste of time advertising on exchanges..
Finally,there are also the free advertising sites like Traffic Exchanges, you either purchase advertising credits or surf the adds in the sites and gain add credits for free that way. Most Traffic Exchanges members marjority are online marketeers so if your blog posts are something non related to internet marketing,it may be a waste of time advertising on exchanges..
But for sheer numbers in membership i highly recommend following 2 exchanges,the top ranked in the industry,with combined membership of 300.000 strong.
But my favourite features are the free advertising tools available to promote our own websites.
If you find this guide useful and enlightening,and if indeed helped your site succeed.! Or helped you to get started on the path to rewarding way to blog..
Would be helpful if you can spare a token amount for the time and effort used to compile the links. Even a token dollar or 2 is greatly encouraging, Thanks nonetheless! Just click Donate..!!
Earn a little extra with
Advertisers on your site,sign up as a publisher with the advertisers and get add codes to be inserted in your sites,like Adsense revenue is generated by per click basis of adds in your sites..
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You are going to need to sign up an account with payment processors to receive your funds/ or make purchases since most programs use them to make payments to their members.Most popular is Alertpay and Paypal. Both free to sign up for an account.And dont have to link with a credit card if not planning to purchase anything.
Alertpay,convenient,more than paypal in some instances,because can transfer funds into many countries bank accounts which paypal doesnt service,
Alertpay can deposit direct into your bank account no.
I ll recommend to sign up to alert pay coz of the convenience of this bank account direct transfer if you reside outside the US that Alertpay has the direct bank transfer service..
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Usually it will be a good idea to have accounts with both payment processors since most Internet Paid to programs use one or the other to make payments.
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Using Twitter to promote your site
The old way to make money with a blog was to sell ad space, and for some bloggers like Johny o skool this is possible. But for the rest of the bloggers out there this may never be the case for you. Since to sell ad space you will need A LOT of traffic, and have that traffic be consistent. Is it possible? Of course it is, but is winning the lotto but the chance of that happening are slim. How Can You Make Money With Your Blog?
Sign up for a Twitter account and everytime you post a new article,just click share on your blog and the Twitter icon and your article's title and link will be posted on Twitter.Just write a brief promotional message about your article that you feel may get readers curious enough to want to click on the link to your blog. Eventually you may build up some followers of your site if the topics you are posting happens to be of interest to the readers. After a time,you may have gather a fair amount of twitter followers following your twits,then you may want to look into making some residue income just by twitting.Adly pairs you up with advertisers that may ask your permission via email to place an add with your twitter account and tweet it.You have option of approving or denying the request.Entirely your discretion,A tweet by advertisers earn you from 0.05 to 0.10 which can accumulate into a decent amount after a time.
When you have built a substantial list of Twitter followers ,advertisers will start making request to use your Twitter account to
twit their promotions , credits go from 0.05 to 0.10 cents per twit
,so if you have a large twitter following makes sense to register an account
with Adly, All adds twitted need your permmision in which you will
receive an email asking for permission to twit an add with your twitter account!!
Autoresponders !
An autoresponder is one of the most powerful tools every serious affiliate marketer must have within his or her arsenal if they wish to succeed long-term. It’s actually one of the lifelines of your business.
An autoresponder is a sophisticated piece of software that automates the following procedures:
1) Collecting email addresses and adding them to a database.
2) Automating the job of sending email to the subscribers on your list.
With an autoresponder you can: send an email to some or all of your subscribers at once, collect valuable data about your subscribers and schedule a series of emails to be sent automatically on fix intervals.
Traffic wave site comes with step by step training articles on how to and where to, set up and use the marketing tools to your advantage . Unlimited Auto responders,list building,email marketing , using articles etc ! Earning you passive income ,even as you learn to utilize the marketing tools while figuring out the tricks of the trade in internet marketing!
Sign up for a Twitter account and everytime you post a new article,just click share on your blog and the Twitter icon and your article's title and link will be posted on Twitter.Just write a brief promotional message about your article that you feel may get readers curious enough to want to click on the link to your blog. Eventually you may build up some followers of your site if the topics you are posting happens to be of interest to the readers. After a time,you may have gather a fair amount of twitter followers following your twits,then you may want to look into making some residue income just by twitting.Adly pairs you up with advertisers that may ask your permission via email to place an add with your twitter account and tweet it.You have option of approving or denying the request.Entirely your discretion,A tweet by advertisers earn you from 0.05 to 0.10 which can accumulate into a decent amount after a time.
When you have built a substantial list of Twitter followers ,advertisers will start making request to use your Twitter account to
twit their promotions , credits go from 0.05 to 0.10 cents per twit
,so if you have a large twitter following makes sense to register an account
with Adly, All adds twitted need your permmision in which you will
receive an email asking for permission to twit an add with your twitter account!!
Hundreds of writing jobs posted daily from all niches, demand for simple blog writing to highly skilled programming. just sign up for free and list your preferences for writing giggs and jobs matching your listings will be emailed to you daily. Completed tasks pays out from USD30 to USD1,000 or more depending on the assignment you applied for.Some writing assignments may take you weeks to complete after a mutual agreement on remuneration is reached. Lot of employers actually gives trial assignments just to be sure,the job can be done to their requirements.
Autoresponders !
An autoresponder is one of the most powerful tools every serious affiliate marketer must have within his or her arsenal if they wish to succeed long-term. It’s actually one of the lifelines of your business.
An autoresponder is a sophisticated piece of software that automates the following procedures:
1) Collecting email addresses and adding them to a database.
2) Automating the job of sending email to the subscribers on your list.
With an autoresponder you can: send an email to some or all of your subscribers at once, collect valuable data about your subscribers and schedule a series of emails to be sent automatically on fix intervals.
Update your subscribers about any recent developements or changes to products or services.
Don’t settle for cheap autoresponder software. It will cost you in time, headaches, subscribers and money. Here’s what i use and recommend: wave site comes with step by step training articles on how to and where to, set up and use the marketing tools to your advantage . Unlimited Auto responders,list building,email marketing , using articles etc ! Earning you passive income ,even as you learn to utilize the marketing tools while figuring out the tricks of the trade in internet marketing!
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